viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011


We drove all the way down to Rabat late at night, in the pouring down rain only to find that the camping in Sale no longer exsists! Ended up staying on the beach but it was very windy so didn´t get much sleep. Got up early to go to the Mauri Embassy but guess what, it was a holiday and everything was closed.

Went back to where we stayed last night and found a camp site right next to it! We stayed the night but it had no showers or protection from the wind, so we didn´t sleep much here either. To the embassy again early in the morning but. . . holiday again!

Wanted to get away from the wind so we went for a drive into the country and found a great forest area to camp in. Relaxed, repacked the car, ate good food and had our first shower, heaven!

Went back to the embassy yet again this morning and it was OPEN, yeah, got the mauri visas sorted, (34euro each, 1 month, single entry), they will be ready to pick up on Monday. Probably going back to the forest area for the weekend. Met loads of travellers at the embassy, so we have arranged a few points to meet up on the way down.

Estuvimos conduciendo por la noche hasta Rabat/Sale, llegamos alas 3 de la mañana lloviendo.

El camping ya no existe en Sale, tuvimos que quedar la noche en la playa de Rabat, hacia un viento increible, dormimos un par de horas. Por la mañana encontramos un camping justo al lado. Fuimos a la embajada de mauritania y resulta ser que es fiesta miercoles y jueves por el cumpleaños del Rey! El jueves por la noche quedamos en el camping que habiamos encontrado
con unos feriantes españoles que llevan un año aqui montando coches de coche y montaña rusas.
Dormimos poco esa noche por el viento tambien.El viernes conseguimos entregar los pasaportes para el visado, tenemos que pasar el lunes a recogerlos.

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