sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Ouaga Bukina Faso

Hi everyone, finally we know what our plans will be for the next stage of the trip. We haven´t managed to get our visas for Ghana or Nigeria due to changes in the visa application at the beginning of the year, so looks like we can´t go any further south this time at least! We´ll still try in the next few countries anyway.
We´ve managed to get a multivisa for Togo, Benin, Bukina Faso, Ivory Coast and Niger.
So we plan to travel to Bobo in Bukina Faso to see the elephants then on to Togo to the beaches,
Benin then explore Niger which we hadn´t originally planned to see, for the giraffe and dinosaur remains etc. Back through Bukina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Gambia , up the coast of Mauritania then Morrocco. We´ll be staying here in Ouaga capital of Bukina Faso until Monday then head to Bobo. Hopefully we´ll upload some more photos here before we leave so you don´t get bored with the blog. We´ve really enjoyed the last few days, chilling out and met some cool french and belguim people whom we went out with the other night for a meal and saw a bit of West African night life, quite an experience! Found Michael Jacksons twin brother, groooovy!!!!

Hola todos, seguimos aqui en el capital de Bukina Faso. Hemos tenido un monton de problemas con las visas de Ghana y ahora con Nigeria tambien. Seguiremos intentando en otros paises, pero no creo que tengamos suerte. Han cambiado las normas en Enero y nos han jodido bien el viaje. Pues bueno, hemos conseguido una multivisa para Togo, Benin, Bukina Faso, Ivory coast y Niger, por ahora nuestros planes son, ver todos estos paises y volver por Bukina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Gambia, Mauritania y Marruecos.
Hay muchas cosas que ver en Togo, y Benin. Y Niger suena interesante con restos de dinosarius etc. Por ahora nos quedamos en este camping hasta Lunes, cuando cogeremos camino a Bobo a ver los elefantes etc. Subire mas fotos este fin de semana para que nos se aburren del blog.
Hemos disfrutado estos dias de relax, conocimos unos franceses de nuestra edad, salimos una noche para comer y vimos la marcha de Africa del Oeste en las discotecas, encontramos el hermano gemelo de Michael Jackson, como se movia el cabrón!!!!!!! Hemos estado todos los dias bañandonos en la piscina y bebiendo cerveza de Bukina.
Animo!!!!! Un saludo Adam & Sophie.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Adam and Sophie. So it seems you get sticked up in Western Africa? I'll hope you'll get you're visa for especially Nigeria to break te wall in the middle of the continent. We managed the desert without problems. The bus beat out the landcruisers on the sandy pistes to the Banc d'Arguin. The Desert Shuttle is now on the parking of Fes Airport. Im flying back in mai to pick up the bus en drive to Rosso to visit the project. Where did you met up with that driving dutch junkyard Amsterdam - Dakar? Im still very thankfull for bringing me my passport to Barbas
